Every time you make an API request from your game or app, you should start or reset a timer to 0 which should increment in minutes. Every subsequent request you make, you should reset this back to 0.
You should code in that if the timer reaches 9, you should send a keep alive request to ensure the authentication key for that session is kept alive.
How to Perform a Keep Alive Request
You should POST$ to
with your API Key and Authentication Key for the session.
If this was successful, the following response will be returned:
Keep Alive Request Successful.
If the API or Authentication key is invalid or expired, you will get this response:
Authentication key is invalid or expired. Please re-authenticate.
If any parameters required are needed, you will get a response stating missing parameters.
GamiPixel checks each and every authentication key every 10 minutes and if it hasn’t been kept alive, it will be deleted thus your session will now be invalid and you will have to re-authenticate again.